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3 Key Questions about the New MetrioPharm Blog

Thank you for visiting our new blog. We want to use our first post to answer three important questions about our new MetrioPharm Blog. Here we go:

  1. What is a blog?

The word blog is an abbreviation for weblog. In a literal sense, it is an online logbook. In contrast to a traditional corporate website, a blog is sorted chronologically; as in an old-fashioned logbook, you always read the most current entry first. One could also say: the blog is a mixture between a journal and a digital newspaper.

Many blogs – including ours –  offer the option of commenting on posts. This allows for an exchange between authors and readers.

  1. Why are we blogging?

Our investors suggested the idea. At times, as an outsider, you can ask yourself: what exactly is happening at MetrioPharm?

The completion of each individual phase of a clinical trial takes a long time – from preparation, notification and approval, through execution, to thorough evaluation. Due to the strict approval criteria, this process takes many months.

During this time, you don’t hear much from us; one or two press releases on the most important milestones, with long breaks in between.

In the meantime, a lot of things are actually happening at MetrioPharm. We are attending trade fairs and organizing roadshows, conducting basic research in pursuit of new indications; we are expanding our scientific network and talking to potential license partners and investors.

In a blog we can inform you about these smaller steps on our way to getting MP1032 approved.

  1. How long will the blog run for?

In theory, a blog can run for an unlimited period of time. We have decided to start blogging for one year. During this time we will publish about one or two new articles each month. We would like to see how your interest in MetrioPharm develops and whether the blog helps us to enhance our communication.

If you and if we are satisfied with the development, it could continue next year; In theory, a blog can run for an unlimited period after all.

We hope to see you in the coming year!

Greetings from your MetrioPharm Blog team